Sunday, November 21, 2010


Ahhh, daycare.  I had dreaded the inevitable for the first 18 months of his life, finally deciding that he really needed to start going part-time at least.  I told myself he'd love it, I told myself he'd grow up being so much more social, I told myself him getting sick all the time now would just benefit him once he was in kindergarten. So I sucked it up and Finn started going just shy of his 18 month birthday.  I cried.  I cried so hard I almost picked him up early that day and scrapped the whole plan.  I stuck it out though, and I'm so happy I did.  These photos were taken by his teachers the first couple of weeks, and although he might have appeared devestated at me leaving him at the beginning, they assured me, and these photos are proof, that he got over it.  Probably much more quickly that I did. 

This layout was inspired by Apron Strings Sketches on Wednesday Challenge using the Page Maps sketch above.  How I love double-sided sketches.....:)

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